… or at the very least, back to volunteering. My sabbatical from volunteering ends this year. When I look around, I see volunteer opportunities all around. When I moved to Minneapolis I told myself I would just focus on work, school, and nesting and I would resume volunteering after I graduated. I wanted to make sure the variables in my life were receiving the best of me. But graduation is in approximately four months, so the life where I thought I had no time has no more excuses.
Quite frankly, though, there was always time to serve on a board or volunteer but it was not a priority. I spent my downtime watching television, which just made me fat. But when I canceled my cable last winter and started thinking about things that were intrinsically satisfying, I thought about how much I enjoyed board service and volunteering. I also was reminded that as an educated person, it was my responsibility to give back to the community, which could come in the form of working for a nonprofit, raising a family, or as we are discussing, volunteering. Volunteering was always an opportunity to network, meet fabulous people who shared a common interest, and where I learned new skills. Do not get me wrong, though, I strive to donate 10% of my take-home salary but realistically these days it is around 4%. Giving money is a privilege but giving time is an honor.
But you may be asking, “How does one get involved in board service?” I have to admit that my board service experience fell into my lap. When I lived in my hometown of St. Louis, I was asked to join the young professional boards of membership groups at the Alzheimer’s Association and the United Way of Greater St. Louis. This is not always the case and sometimes it takes an increase of involvement with membership groups before being asked to join.
In my opinion, the most effective board service occurs when you genuinely resonate with a cause, a political, social, or cultural organization; can bring needed expertise or insight to the board; and are committed with your time and responsibilities. Last month when I started thinking about a certain cultural organization that I was really interested in volunteering for in a board or committee capacity, I consulted with my friend Robin Gillette, executive director of the Minnesota Fringe Festival, and she said, “You’re smart to pick board service in an area you love.” Apparently my emerging passion for the Minnesota Opera and its young professionals group, Tempo, was evident. But the verdict is still out on whether or not and how I will be volunteering for Tempo.
So, while you think about how to incorporate volunteerism into your life, know that there are several organizations that would welcome your experience, insight, and relationships. But select an organization that is important to you. I prefer to focus on one to three organizations rather than spreading myself too thin, especially because board service usually requires time and possibly fundraising, and I do not want to dilute the level of my commitment.
Now, if you need help figuring out what type of organization to volunteer for, click here for some fun ideas about volunteering by your Zodiac sign. Oh, and did I mention that this is National Volunteer Week?! :-)
HadleyP.S. -- The above March for Babies badge is actually my walker page for this Sunday, April 25, 2010 come rain or shine or snow!